Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do liberals have an insatiable need to control citizens and tell citizens how to live?

Conservatives believe in freedom and a citizen鈥檚 right to pursue happiness.Why do liberals have an insatiable need to control citizens and tell citizens how to live?
Good question. Liberals have a misguided conception of compassion and equality. They believe that compassion involves redistributing the wealth of a nation to those who are less fortunate than others, and that equality means no one should have more than anyone else. Liberals are elitists who believe that only they have the intelligence and the insight needed to visualize and create the ideal society.

In reality, you cannot convince me that liberals are that stupid. It's really all about power and control. As long as they are the ruling class they will have control of all means of production and distribution, and guess who will get the bulk of the distribution when it comes to goods and money? The masses will be equal all right, equally miserable.

Liberals scoff at the Constitution as being outdated and serving no useful purpose in this modern day and age. They also believe that religion has no place in government and use the smokescreen of a bogus constitutional mandate that demands separation of religion and state as an excuse to purge the government of all religious symbols and references. After all, if the masses believe in God, then the liberals look silly trying to act like God. But if they can remove God from our lives, then they can more easily fill that vacuum.

Liberals have an issue with trust, and as such, they see everyone as evil and twisted as they are. WIth such a sick outlook on life is it any wonder they act like they do? I don't want to even go into the rights for certain groups to the exclusion of others and the successes they've had in stripping us of our individual rights through judicial activism.

Lastly, liberals cannot control an informed society which is why they have control of our education through a federal school system. And, in addition to dumbing down society, they MUST have control of the media to spread their propaganda. They have succeeded in these quests (except for a few islands of freedom), and now that they have a liberal nerd in the Oval Orifice, they will continue to succeed up to a certain point...then all hell will break loose.Why do liberals have an insatiable need to control citizens and tell citizens how to live?
Because we can't stand to watch conservatives abandon citizens and allow the to be victimized by con artists who are hiding behind a dedication to capitalism. If you really want to give every citizen an equal chance to succeed, the quality of their health care and higher education should not be dependent on the income of their parents.
because they observe certain deficiencies with the government, but take an archaic solution to dynamic problems, and try to apply it to modern dilemmas. while some things do go rampant in capitalism and do need to be monitored (hence the reason why government is there, to prevent market failure) business is meant to be free and open.

on the other hand, shortcuts should not be taken when taking into account total profit from business... no one person makes all the profit, and the CEOs are not entitled to the money they think they are. no matter what anyone tells you, you cannot earn $24,000,000 from being in charge of a company... you do not earn all that money. your workers earn it for you, and should be paid justly.

to answer your question, liberals are the push, republicans are the pull. hopefully we can find a balance between the two and take strengths from both perspectives.

Read the damn constitution.

And I am not the one who tells people who they can marry, or live, with, or love, or do business with.
Don't you mean as long as the citizen believes what you believe ? I think gays and lesbians would not agree. I am not a liberal but I think that your question is backwards.
That's funny. I always thought it was the CONs that detested personal freedom and liberties.

Oh, well, looks like as long as there is a government or politics, we lose, right?

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