Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is ejaculating inside safe with combination of birth control and the morning after pill?

My girlfriend and I have been together for close to 3 years and we have had sex quite a number of times, everytime with protection. At this stage in our relationship, we're looking into having unprotected sex as to be frank, we're both quite curious and sometimes have unexpected urges at odd times.

I was wondering whether it was safe to ejaculate inside my girlfriend granted she is on birth control and that we use a morning after pill the day after? We have already purchased it, and are just wondering if anybody can provide some insight on this. From what I have read online, companion's often practice internal ejaculation and have been quite safe.

Cheers!Is ejaculating inside safe with combination of birth control and the morning after pill?
I'll be honest with you about how hormonal birth control and ';the morning after pill'; work so that you can make an informed decision.

1. Birth control pills work primarily by keeping a woman from ovulating. However, sometimes there is ';breakthrough ovulation'; which explains why some women DO get pregnant while on the pill. What this tells us is that the birth control pill sometimes causes early ABORTIONS. How? Because if there is breakthrough ovulation, the pill works by changing the woman's uterine lining so it will not let the embryo implant, thus causing an early abortion. It doesn't happen A LOT, but we know it happens, and could very well have happened to your girlfriend in these past 3 years without either of you knowing it. She would have assumed the blood was her period and not a baby.

2. The ';morning after pill'; works in a similar manner, although the dosage of hormones is much higher. If a woman actually conceives through unprotected sex and then takes the emergency pill within 72 hours, the same result as above will occur. The uterine environment, made hostile by the pill, will reject the newly conceived life and end the pregnancy.

So what you might think is just ';birth control'; might actually be abortive. You and your girlfriend need to have a long talk about this. Obviously, being sexually active is risky behavior on a number of levels.

And the two of you might have been parents before....and not have even known it. How sad.....Is ejaculating inside safe with combination of birth control and the morning after pill?
She probably won't get pregnant, but the only thing that offers any protection against VD are condoms and abstinence.
The morning after pill is not intended for consistent birth control! It is a very elevated level of hormones, and can really mess up your girlfriend's cycle / body!!!

If you are interested in options other than condoms, I would recommend her going to the doctor and discussing different types of birth control - other than simply using a condom.

The pills are difficult, because if you miss any during the month... it can up your odds of getting pregnant. She can try getting the shot (Depo Shot - Good for 3 months).... an IUD (can be good up to about 5 years).... or continue using condoms!

Basically, you need to get more education before just using medication (ie. morning after pill) to prevent pregnancy!!!

*** Also *** Remember, condoms are the only type of birth control, other than abstinence, that will prevent STDs... even though you have been together for 3 years... you never know!

If she is *ALREADY* in birth control there is little to worry about. I think both of you should know more about her body and the menstrual cycle before going unprotected. There are fertile and infertile periods each month. If she is on birth control the morning after pill is not needed.
the morning after pill isn't a form of birth control from my knowledge. not a smart idea....
Wear a condom dude.
Well i think you'll be pretty safe from pregnancy with just the birth control. It would actually be dangerous for your girlfriend to take the morning after pill everytime you had intercourse. Your only supposed to take it 2 or 3 times a year. I would both go and get tested for stds to just to be extra cautious. You may not have anything but you can be a carrier and pass it to other people. Happy humping :o)
ummmm, safe from what ?

pregnancy, nothing is 100% but so close as to be immaterial.

STD'S been tested ??

ummm by the way ';internal'; is NORMAL.
Here's the thing...even with perfect usage, there are failures with the BC pill. Less than with condoms, but if I were having premarital sex, I would use both.

Any time you have sex, there is a chance of pregnancy occuring. Any time. No matter what.

Also, the condom at least provides some protection against STDs. If you are not married, you really can't be sure that she is faithful (of course, this is true in some marriages as well!).

Not to sound preachy, but sex is always a gamble; with your health, your partner's health, your relationship, and a potential human child. Sex outside of marriage is an even bigger gamble.

Oh, the morning after pill is different from RU-486. If you are already pregnant, you are out of luck. It can stop ovulation, but not usually implantation. BTW, Im VERY pro-life, so I have no agenda here promoting an abortifacent.

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